Shasta Courtyard Apartments – Service Goals

Our goals are to empower residents and support self sufficiency by providing supportive services. After the completion of construction, the needs of our residents will be formally assessed. The programs are then provided based on the input from the residents. Programs will be offered at no cost to our residents. Listed below are some of the services provided, including but not limited to:

1. Adult and Youth Education Classes and Programs
English as a Second Language
Emergency Preparedness
Computer Training
After School Programs
Homework Assistance
Computer Classes

2. Computer Education
Computer classes will be taught to all interested residents at the on-site computer center. The goal of computer education is to empower the families and support increased education and independence.
Job Training and Preparation
Computer and GED classes

3. Job Preparation
Job search and employment assistance
Individual assessment and employment plan
Career Counseling and support groups
Case Management
Job retention services – five year follow-up system to ensure that job placement is a smooth transition

4. Wellness Programs
Health Screenings
Community Safety
Ask the Doctor/Nurse/Pharmacist

5. Financial classes to develop residents’ money management skills (checking and saving accounts), helping them manage and maintain their income, thereby ensuring financial stability.